Psychology for Nurses

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789352701544
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 254
  • LANGUAGE: English

Psychology for Nurses

Rs. 550.00

Publisher :Jaypee Brothers
  • Medical
  • English
  • 254 PAGES

This book, Psychology for Nurses, deals with psychology of nursing practice. This third edition is strictly aligned as per the present Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus. It has been organized into nine chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the history, origin and scope of psychology and also focuses on methods of psychology. Chapter 2 deals with the features the mind-body relationship, influence of heredity and environment on behavior, role of nervous system in behavior. Chapter 3 incorporates a very detailed description of cognitive processes like attention, perception, learning, memory, thinking, intelligence and aptitude. Chapter 4 covers topics on motivation and emotional processes with a special focus on the related theories. Chapter 5 gives a classic account on theories of personality development and ends with alteration and factors influencing personality. Chapter 6 has been devoted to developmental psychology and psychology of vulnerable individuals. Chapter 7 deals with mental hygiene and mental health and also focuses on preventive mental health strategies, mental health services available in our country. Chapter 8 deals with psychological assessment and tests and role of the nurse. Chapter 9 focuses on types, causes and nursing implications of individual differences. Each chapter is followed by long essay, short essay, short answer and multiple choice questions culled out from the previous examinations. A list of bibliography has been furnished at the end for further reading.

This book, Psychology for Nurses, deals with psychology of nursing practice. This third edition is strictly aligned as per the present Indian Nursing Council (INC) syllabus. It has been organized into nine chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the history, origin and scope of
ology and also focuses on methods of psychology. Chapter 2 deals with the features the mind-body relationship, influence of heredity and environment on behavior, role of nervous system in behavior. Chapter 3 incorporates a very detailed description of cognitive processes like attention, perception, learning, memory, thinking, intelligence and aptitude. Chapter 4 covers topics on motivation and emotional processes with a special focus on the related theories. Chapter 5 gives a classic account on theories of personality development and ends with alteration and factors influencing personality. Chapter 6 has been devoted to developmental psychology and psychology of vulnerable individuals. Chapter 7 deals with mental hygiene and mental health and also focuses on preventive mental health strategies, mental health services available in our country. Chapter 8 deals with psychological assessment and tests and role of the nurse. Chapter 9 focuses on types, causes and nursing implications of individual differences. Each chapter is followed by long essay, short essay, short answer and multiple choice questions culled out from the previous examinations. A list of bibliography has been furnished at the end for further
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789352701544
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13: 9789352701544
  • PAGES: 254
  • LANGUAGE: English

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